This page and the linked subpages provide guidance for parishioners seeking opportunities for volunteering at St. Anthony Parish community. There are many groups, teams, events, and ministries listed on the subpages. From this, you can see how rich and vibrant our Parish family is and how many opportunities you have for contributing your time and talent to this great community. If you have leadership talents, the possibilities for exercising them are numerous. If you desire to be just a simple member of a group, please continue browsing and join one.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Administration & Facilities — Councils & Commissions — Faith Formation — Hospitality — Liturgy — Outreach
If you are uncertain to where to commit yourself, please consider going through a discernment process. This starts with an interview with the Office of Stewardship and Outreach and followed by two weeks of reflection. The discernment process has helped numerous parishioners to find the ministry that is the right fit with their God-given talents.
These pages also assist those who need help, want to use the services offered by the Parish, seek counseling or guidance to solve their problems. To become involved, call or email our front office 425-255-3132 or
The archdiocesan guidelines require that all volunteers who would have unsupervised contact with children or vulnerable adults should agree to a background check and go through the Safe Environment training. For further information, please contact Sharon Fox at 425-277-6210