
Liturgical Ministers

Altar Servers

Altar Servers have a place of prominence and distinction in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. They assist the priest as he leads God’s people in this great act of worship of God, our Father. Those who desire to serve at the altar must have received their First Communion and be in the 4th grade to adults.

Lead Servers are experienced altar servers, in at least 8th grade to adults who are trained to further assist the priest and deacon by coordinating the flow of the Liturgy and mentoring the younger servers.

Those interested in serving should contact Mona Fonseca at



Lectors are fully initiated (Confirmed) individuals who have a love and reverence of the Scriptures and a desire to make the Word of God come alive through their proclamation or reading at our liturgical celebrations.  In this ministry it is important to have a good speaking voice, a willingness to study and pray with the scriptures, and the ability to proclaim the readings with clarity.  If you are interested in learning more about this ministry, please contact Mona Fonseca at


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministers)

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (also referred to as Eucharistic Ministers) are fully initiated practicing Catholics who have a love and reverence for the Eucharist. These individuals are commissioned to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ during our Liturgical celebrations.  If God is calling you to this ministry, please contact Mona Fonseca at

Ministers of Hospitality

 “Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.”  Mt 10:40

We help create a more personal atmosphere and encourage the growth of bonds between members of the Body of Christ.   Our Vision: We are the face and hands of the Parish.

This important ministry encompasses: welcoming all who come to St Anthony’s, assist with seating, questions or emergency situations, take up the collection, assist with the flow of the Communion procession, and distribute information, e.g., bulletins, worship aids, prayer cards or other information.  If you have a friendly, outgoing personality this may be a great way for you to serve Christ; contact Mona Fonseca at


Sacristan comes from the Latin word, sacer meaning sacred.  This sacred and essential ministry is most often work performed behind the scenacristans are fully initiated Catholics with an understanding and love of the Liturgy.  They are responsible for all sacred vessels, vestments, liturgical books, and the security of the Church.  They set up, clean up, ensure all liturgical ministers are present for liturgical celebrations and assist with any situations that may arise during celebrations.   If you are being called to this ministry please contact Mona Fonseca at

Liturgical Arts & Environment Committee

The Liturgical Arts & Environment committee designs, creates and coordinates an atmosphere of reverence and beauty for the various liturgical seasons, utilizing arranged flowers, plants, decorations, banners, images or articles of the Paschal Mystery for our worship space.  If you have a flare for decorating, please contact Mona Fonseca at