Marriage Support
We provide pastoral support and guidance to those couples whose marriages are in crisis or need pastoral guidance. If you and your spouse are having marital problems, whether emotional or spiritual, please call Kristen Abbananto at 425-277-6205 or email to schedule a confidential meeting where your needs and options for pastoral guidance will be discussed. If desired, we will provide you with a mentor couple to confidentially be a support for you.
Same-Sex Attraction Support
We provide support to those who struggle with same-sex attraction or are seeking help for a son or daughter who has same-sex attraction. This is a ministry focused on the pursuit of chastity and on reclaiming one’s sexual identity under the truth of the Theology of the Body. COURAGE is the international catholic apostolate for persons with same sex attraction. You may find more information about this ministry on their webpage (
Please contact Kristen Abbananto at 425-277-6205 or to schedule a confidential appointment. Please know that all inquiries are kept highly confidential.
Grief and Beyond Group
We provide support to those who have lost a loved one or suffered the loss of health or income. You are welcome to attend a once-monthly gathering in a safe environment, to express your feelings and thoughts and find hope.
Call Kay Mulliner, Grief support counselor, 425-255-3132.