Our Lady of Guadalupe
In 1531, Mary enlisted a humble, devout Aztec peasant who had converted to Catholicism. As he was making his way over Tepayac Hill in what is now Mexico City, he encountered a beautiful lady. She said she wanted a church built on the spot.
Juan Diego took the message to Bishop Fray Juan de Zumarraga. It took a while to persuade the bishop. And after a couple of trips back to speak to the beautiful lady, a proof in the form of non-native Castilian roses in December and, most stunning and enduring of all, an image of Mary imprinted on his tilma, or cloak, the bishop finally believed and took action.
The Archdiocese of Seattle celebrates its feast in a big way. For 21 years, the Office of Hispanic Ministry has coordinated the Seattle event. At St. Anthony parish, the Hispanic community organizes this special event with a Mananita at the Church beginning in the pre-dawn hours culminating with a Eucharistic celebration in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe later in the day followed by a reception in the parish hall. Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day is December 12th
For more information, you can visit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_Guadalupe