Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is a consultative body to the pastor to provide vision, goals, and priorities for the Parish. Members are selected through an application process when positions become open.
Finance Council
The basic purpose of the St. Anthony Finance Council is to operate as a consultative body which provides the pastor with advice concerning the stewardship of parish fiscal resources. Membership is by appointment by the pastor. To serve on the Finance Council, read the Parish Bulletin concerning openings and apply for the position.
Faith Formation Commission
The committee meets once a month to consult with Parish staff in setting the direction for all Faith Formation programs. Open to all interested in education. For more information call (425) 255-3132.
Liturgical Commission
The Liturgical Commission is a consultative body to the Liturgy Director, with the purpose of helping to develop policies, goals, and guidelines for the parish liturgical program and for our liturgical celebrations. Prospective members are selected by the chairperson, the Liturgy Director, and the pastoral representative. For more information call (425) 255-3132.
Hispanic Commission
This is an advisory body to the pastor regarding issues relating to Hispánic ministry. It is also a vehicle of communication between English and Spanish speaking communities of the parish. For more information call (425) 255-3132.
School Commission
The overall purpose of the School Commission is to advise and support the pastor and principal as they form policy and direct the ongoing development of the school. Commission members advise school leadership in the areas of mission statement development, long-range planning, policy, budget matters and public relations. Members must have a genuine interest in Catholic Education and are active in his or her parish.