Baptismal Preparation
A volunteer team provides parents with a process of preparing for and celebrating the Baptism of their children. Contact Micie DelosReyes 425-277-6201 or email
Communion Preparation/Reconciliation Preparation
This is a two-year process that prepares second grade children to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, enabling their parents to cooperate in the process. Volunteers assist with the process.
Confirmation Preparation
Within the Confirmation program there are the following opportunities for service: Planners, organizers, teachers, presenters, small group facilitators, sponsors who prepare the youth of our community for the Sacrament of Confirmation every other year. Training is provided. Contact Rachel Teresi or 425-277-6209.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Roman Catholic formation process for children ages 3 through 12 in which they experience and nurture an authentic faithful relationship with God, in a prepared space call the atrium.The program accepts volunteer chatechists and assistants. Please see the flyer. Contact Lynne Shioyama 425-277-6200 or email
Faith Formation Commission
Micie Delosreyes 425-277-6201 or email A team gathers once a month to consult with Parish staff in setting the direction for all Faith Formation Programs. Open to all interested in education.
Marriage Preparation
This volunteer team sets up and implements the preparation process for couples about to get married in the Catholic Church. Open to any couple, married for at least five years. Training is provided. Contact Kristen Abbananto at 425-277-6205 or email
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Sessions are held on Monday evenings beginning in mid-September and lasting through Pentecost, (mid-May). A team of volunteers enable non-Catholics to learn about the Roman Catholic Church and to celebrate rituals which lead to their entrance into the Church. Sponsors are needed to assist each participant. This is an excellent opportunity to renew your own faith. Contact Kristen Abbananto at 425-277-6205 or email
Returning Catholics
The Returning Catholics program gives those interested in reconnecting with the Catholic Church an opportunity to answer questions and concerns about the Church. Volunteers serve on the team or as companions for the returning Catholics. The program is a commitment of 6 to 8 weeks in fall and spring. Contact Kristen Abbananto at 425-277-6205 or email
Sacramental Updating
Volunteers teach and prepare small groups of children for the reception of Baptism, Reconciliation and/or Eucharist. The program exists for the sacramental preparation of students past second grade. Contact Micie DelosReyes 425-277-6201 or email
Scripture Study
Volunteer group facilitators and presenters help enrich the process of conversion in reflecting on sacred scripture as parishioners explore and understand Scripture. The approaching Sunday’s readings are studied Tuesday mornings, and a Bible Study on the Mass is offered Fridays (morning and evenings, except the First Friday of every month), September through May. Contact Kristen Abbananto at 425-277-6205 or email
We Believe (family-based, traditional catechesis)
We Believe is served by a team of volunteer catechists and small group leaders (for grade-level work.) We also need adults to lead crafts, music and other activities. Please call Micie DelosReyes at 425-277-6201 or email if you want to share your faith with children! We follow the school year schedule, meeting weekly, October through May.
Sonshine Days-Vacation Bible School
Volunteers provide a week of study through story, song, craft, and community for children ages 4 – 11. Tasks in this ministry include teaching lessons, leading crafts, involvement in music, planning team, preparing materials, nursery help, and general assistance. Program is held in late June. Contact Micie DelosReyes at 425-277-6201 or email to get involved.
Spanish Marriage Preparation
Volunteers help set up classes that are provided to those who speak Spanish and wish to be married. Contact Dulce Casanova 425-277-6206 or email
Spanish Sacramental Preparation
Classes provided on Saturday mornings to prepare Spanish speaking children in the preparation for Reconciliation and Communion. Volunteers will assist in teaching children or adults. Contact Dulce Casanova 425-277-6206 or email
Tribunal Advocate (Marriage Advocate)
Marriage Advocates work on annulments of marriages, processing paperwork with the goal of freeing a person to marry in the Catholic Church. Training is provided by the archdiocese. Contact front office 425-255-3132.
Youth Ministry (Junior and Senior High)
The goal of Youth Ministry is to give junior and senior high school students a safe environment in which to grow in faith. Volunteers should be interested in working with teens, and should be able to care for and share with them. Training is provided. Contact Rachel Teresi or 425-277-6209.