Have you attended Mass with family or friend and wanted to know what was going on?
Have you asked what do Catholics believe and why?
Are you or do you know someone interested in becoming Catholic?
Come and see what the Catholic Church is all about through RCIA.
If you would like to register en Español,
Please contact Dulce Casanova | dulce-casanova@st-anthony.cc | 425 255-3132.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) 
It is a journey (a process) that individuals undertake to become members of the universal Catholic Church. This is a process that involves the whole parish. As you grow in the knowledge of Jesus and of the Catholic Church, the parish will accompany you through prayers, spiritual support and example, and extend an open invitation to join in the life of the parish.
There are four phases of the process:
- Inquiry is to search and question. Individuals make the decision to formally learn more about the Catholic faith, culminating in the Rite of Acceptance.
- Catechumenate is a more formal catechesis (teaching) about the Catholic faith and sacraments, culminating in the Rite of Election.
- Purification and Enlightenment is a spiritual preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation leading to the Easter Vigil.
- Mystagogy is a process of reflecting on the grace of the Sacraments and deepening your relationship with God and His Church.
Inquiry sessions are held throughout the year. Join us!
RCIA Year 1 (October 2020 – June 2021) is a year of Biblical foundation as we discover not only who the Church is, but explore her roots in Salvation History. RCIA Year 2 (beginning Fall 2021) continues from this Biblical basis into Church teaching and living. Due to Covid-19, class will consist of at-home work (video and reading) each week prior to meeting over Zoom.
Please submit the registration form or contact Kristen Abbananto at 425-277-6205 | adultevang@st-anthony.cc for more information.
Sacramental Preparation of Adults
If you have been baptized in the Catholic Church and have not received the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation, there is a year-long process of instruction on the Catholic Church, Sacraments and Catholic teachings culminating with conferring of these sacraments by the Archbishop or Bishop. This year’s class runs from the beginning of November 2020 through the beginning of May 2021. Due to Covid-19, class will consist of at-home work (video and reading) each week prior to meeting over Zoom.
Please submit the registration form or contact Kristen Abbananto at 425-277-6205 | adultevang@st-anthony.cc for more information.
Baptism of a Child: 7 Years Old – Teen
Children or teens who wish, or whose parents wish, to receive baptism are directed to the Children’s RCIA program.
For more information, contact:
Micie DelosReyes
Pastoral Assistant for Children’s Faith Formation
Programa de Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA)
El programa de RICA es para personas mayores de 7 años
que aun no han recibido sus sacramentos.
Clases para Adultos: Las clases son los domingos de 3pm-5pm.
Para registrarse llame a Miguel Quiroz al
Clases para niños:
clases son los domingos de 3pm-5pm.
Para registrarse llame a
Dulce Casanova