St. Anthony Prayer Group
Meets on most Fridays @7:30pm in the Fr. Lane Room. Call Julie at 425-306-1197 if you’re interested.
Hispanic Prayer Group
Meets on Saturday evenings. Call Heidy at 206-227-2424.
Filipino Prayer and Study Group
Please call Patrick Lim at 425-255-3132.
Immanuel Healing Prayer
Receive prayer for healing each third Sunday after the 12:30pm Mass. For information call 425-255-3132 and leave a message for Annie Grace Bassage.
Eucharistic Adoration
The goal is to have a constant daily vigil of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Each participant commits a specific hour once a week. The adoration ends at 10:00 PM in the evening. The Church doors are closed at 9:30 am on weekdays and Saturday, and at 2:00 pm on Sundays. Those wishing to pray in the Church while it is closed have to register and obtain an entrance code from Yolanda, the Receptionist of the Church during office hours Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm (closed for lunch from noon to 1pm). Please call 425-255-3132 for further information.