
Children’s Stewardship

In Stewardship, we are all called to live as disciples of Jesus. Children Stewardship is a way to help parents teach their children how to live that life. Children are also called to give back out of their time, talent, and treasure to God, family, and friends. Each child receives a box of weekly envelopes. They are invited to write of the envelope the good deeds they have done using their time and talent during the week. The children also contribute money to the church community by placing it inside the envelope. At offertory time, they bring the envelopes forward and drop them in the “Little Church” on the steps, in front of the Altar. As our children practice stewardship in our midst, they remind us of the passage, “a little child shall lead them”. If you would like more information, contact Hanh Lentz at 425-277-6208.